Scripteen GlitterZee *** >>> Changelog:- V 1.1 Fixed bug with glitters not showingon remote sites properly. V 1.0 Front end features. * Sexy and cute design. * 100 differnt glitter templates. * 6 Differnt text effects. * 11 differnt fonts. * Font size customization. Admin features. * Just upload to install. * All generated glitters link back to your site. *** >>> Installation guide:- 1- Open the downloaded package and edit the file settings.xml using notepad. 2- Open the file index.html using notepad and put your adsense codes in their places. 3- Upload all files to your hosting account. You can customize the look of the site by editing : Header: PSD file of the header using photoshop (templates folder). Site: index.html file using notepad. Thanks for buying our script